Problem is with taxing the so called “rich” it’s those individuals and businesses that pay the middle class and it’s the middle class that pay for the benefits of the lower class (all those little extra thing taken out of your pay check other than taxes). So (stick with me I’ll keep it simple) Tax the “rich” and the middle class gets paid less, thus more middle class become lower class and the remaining middle class has to pay more for the growing lower class. Add to this more “social” programs paid for my both the upper class (i.e. them who write checks) and middle class (i.e. them who work for checks) and what you get is a cascade effect running down hill… A huge lower class (Obama supporters) a static elite upper class (also Obama supporters, these are those who are truly rich in that their money works for them not them for their money, if an individual is making 250,00 a year but has to work 50-70 hours a week to earn it that individual is not rich to put a simple numerical amount on wealth is stupid pandering to an ignorant majority, and yes the old rich don’t want new blood in their club) leaving the lower and upper middle class in a state of helplessness we who understand what’s happening but lack the numbers to take action because of one simple fact given free resources ignorant, lazy people will reproduce faster the hard working intelligent people.
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